Happy Reunification day!

vietnamese women in national parade proudly holding vietnam's national flag

In Viet Nam, Reunification Day is officially known as Giải phóng miền nam, thống nhất đất nước, or Day of Southern Liberation for National Unification.

It is also called Ngày Thống nhất (Reunification Day) and Ngày Chiến thắng (Victory Day)

On this day in 1975, the People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) captured Sài Gòn, the capital of the former US proxy state of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)

This ended the American War in Vietnam and began the process of reunification of North Vietnam and South Vietnam. On July 2,1976, the country was reunified by a national election.

Since this day, Sài Gòn has been renamed Hồ Chí Minh City!

This historical event and now annual holiday commemorates:

  • The liberation of South Vietnam from American imperialists
  • The end of the American War in Vietnam and decades long struggle for Vietnamese sovereignty and self-determination
  • The beginning of modern day Vietnam, officially known as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • A victory for all colonized people against imperialism

How is Reunification Day celebrated in Việt Nam?

On this day, flags will be proudly flown all throughout the country. Additionally, many people will get the day off from school or work; this holiday is followed by International Workers’ Day, so they will also get a long break

There will be many parades, memorial programs, musical shows, speeches made by political leaders, etc.

Historical landmarks around the country will experience increased tourism, with Hồ Chí Minh Mausoleum being one of the most popular.

Facts about the American war in Vietnam

As we celebrate the resiliency of the Vietnamese people in defending the country against imperial forces, we would also like to highlights the violence of imperialism that leaves a lasting impact in Vietnam and the neighboring countries:

  • ~ 2 million civilian deaths on both sides
  • ~ 1.1 million North Vietnamese and National Liberation Front (VC) deaths
  • 7.5 million tons of bombs were dropped on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia by the United States and its allies
  • ~ 19 million gallons of herbicides sprayed in Vietnam
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