
Graphic of 2020, 2021, 2022 text with virus particles as 0 and masks and needles

Is it still safe to fly, dine out or attend large indoor events? UC Davis virus expert weighs in

With Omicron surging, is it still safe to fly, dine out or attend large indoor events? UC Davis virus expert Dr. Jonathan Eisen @phylogenomics weighs in on this “horribly contagious” new variant and how to navigate the next couple of months in the December 30th 2021 article in @sactownmagazine.

This is sadly one of the most (if not the only) detailed pieces that covers a lot on how you can reasonably protect yourself and others from Omicron, especially while in a surge as the CDC continue to be capitalist bootlicking liars who lie.

As always please remember to centre disabled people who have borne the brunt of vicious ableist and pro-eugenics rhetoric + policy from every direction for the past 2 years.

Is it still safe to fly, dine out or attend large indoor events? UC Davis virus expert weighs in Read More »

COVID-19 & capitalism: Yes everything is actually ableist so time to Learn disability justice

Our response to CDC’s “Everyone’s going to get COVID” 

On the heels of CDC’s decision to cut down isolation time to 5 days, as we watch government after government openly embrace the “everyone’s going to get Covid”, and as the west hoards vaccines and blocks patents, Cầu Kiều would like to centre the people who have born the brunt of the eugenicist, ableist public health measures.

COVID-19 & capitalism: Yes everything is actually ableist so time to Learn disability justice Read More »

Catholic Church in Vietnam

Why are so many Việt Kiều Catholic? (Western Imperialism)​


Catholics make up approximately 30% of the Vietnamese population in the United States, while they only make up

7% of the population in Vietnam.

The disproportionately high percentage of Catholics in overseas Vietnamese communities is an extension of the colonial history that brought this religion to Vietnam.

Therefore, by understanding the history of Catholicism in Vietnam, we can understand the historical conditions from which overseas Vietnamese communities were formed.

How did Christianity come to Vietnam?
☆ 17TH CENTURY – Portuguese and French missionaries introduced Christianity to Vietnam.

Alexander de Rhodes, a French Jesuit, is credited with establishing a strong French Catholic presence in Cochinchina (Southern Vietnam) and with the creation of the modern Vietnamese writing system, Quốc Ngữ, which uses the Latin alphabet.

Why are so many Việt Kiều Catholic? (Western Imperialism)​ Read More »

people planning to return to their homes wait for a checkpoint at Ho Chi Minh city

Unpacking vietnam’s pandemic response: Blame western imperialism (always) ​

TW: Mass Covid Death, Eugenics, Ableism, Racism, Western Imperialism and War Crimes, Agent Orange

The 19th of November was the Vietnamese National Mourning Day for the victims of the pandemic. Over 23,000 people across Vietnam have lost their lives, when a lot of them could have been saved.

Cầu Kiều recognizes the valiant efforts from the Vietnamese government in vaccine diplomacy, which has saved the lives of millions of our people and remember those whose have been lost and their loved ones.

Continuing from our previous post, Cầu Kiều would like to illuminate how the West has wielded the pandemic as a geopolitical weapon against Vietnam specifically, by:

Unpacking vietnam’s pandemic response: Blame western imperialism (always) ​ Read More »

collage of omicron text with the virus in the background and four syringes in the foreground

Omicron Variant & Vaccine apartheid: western imperialism’s Fault (Again)

It’s important to recognize that colonialism is not always manifested as overt violence. It can also be enforced subtlety through the very design of our cities. In Vietnam, we can see how French colonialist urban planners transformed the built environments of cities like Hanoi and HCMC/Saigon to support their colonization and oppression of Vietnamese people.

Omicron Variant & Vaccine apartheid: western imperialism’s Fault (Again) Read More »

Vietnamese medical staff conducting covid testing for citiizens

Support Vietnam’s COVID-19 Relief Effort

Right now Vietnam is experiencing a surge in COVID Delta outbreaks. As western countries hoard vaccines and resources, Vietnamese people are struggling and the government faces their own challenges of resource distribution. Vietnamese people desperately need your assistance and support. Please donate to Vietnam, every dollar counts. ➡️ Official Covid-19 Vaccine Fund by the Vietnamese

Support Vietnam’s COVID-19 Relief Effort Read More »

people at a anti war in Afghanistan rally

Cầu Kiều Collective Statement On Afghanistan

Cầu Kiều Collective would like to extend our sincerest support to those impacted the ongoing situation in Afghanistan. In recent weeks, we have seen an outpouring of support and analysis from the Vietnamese community all over the world, and understand that it has invoked strong emotions given our own history with war and displacement.

Cầu Kiều Collective Statement On Afghanistan Read More »

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